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Projeto AutoCAD para todos

Publicado em: Boletim Técnico da FATEC-SP

Tipo do trabalho: Resumo 

Ano: 2021

Autor(es):  SANTOS, Gustavo Moreira dos; NOLLA, Ieda Maria

** Para consultar a publicação completa do Boletim, clique aqui

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AutoCAD 2004, 2D and 3D – For engineering and architecture

Published in:  Pearson Education do Brasil

Job Type:  Book

Year: 2004 - 280 pages

ISBN: 85-346-1535-7

Author(s): SAAD, Ana Lucia


Abstract: This book teaches you how to use the features of AutoCAD 2004. For this purpose, two exercises were developed to explore various commands in the execution of a drawing. The proposed exercises are from the areas of engineering and architecture and allow the user to train and memorize the commands explained. Among the concepts developed in the text, the following stand out: configuration of sheets and drawing properties; use of specific commands for the generation of geometric entities, for editing and modification; specific commands for creating a three-dimensional model, generating photorealistic images with management of lights and materials; design printing.

* Not in the library


AutoCAD – Frequent updates: technological advance or planned obsolescence?

Published in:  Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism - USP

Job Type:  Masters dissertation

Year: 2001

Author(s): SAAD, Ana Lucia


Dissertation summary:  The question whether the constant updates of AutoCAD software bring effective contributions to the user of CAD programs, or whether they are nothing more than strategies of programmed obsolescence to promote its sale, was the central question of the present work.

Contributions, in any type of product, can be obtained through technological advances incorporated in its updates or new releases, which are of effective use to the user. Therefore, it was discussed what is technological advance and its usefulness in the specific case of AutoCAD software.

After defining what would be a technological advance, strategies were outlined and items were defined to be used in comparisons and analyzes between the different versions of AutoCAD for WINDOWS. Comparisons were performed between versions r. 12, r. 13, r. 14 and 2000 of the software, in order to verify if these updates are marked for incorporating technological advances, or if they are marked for only having gadgets incorporated in each of the versions of the program.

During the comparisons, Items such as: new functions or tools incorporated into the software were discussed; change in program interface and commands; possibility of increased productivity and friendliness.

Care was taken to think of the product, which was analyzed, as a work tool, and not just any consumer object where emotional appeal is common to motivate sales.

AutoCAD 2000 Course

Published in:  Makron Books

Job Type:  Book

Year: 2000

Author(s): YAMAMOTO, Arisol SS; NOLLA, Iêda Maria.



* Not in the library


AutoCAD 14 Course - Basic

Published in:  Makron books

Job Type:  Book

Year: 1998 - 525 pages

ISBN: 85-346-0948-9

Author(s): SAAD, Ana Lucia; NOLLA, Iêda Maria

About the book:  This book is the first volume of the AutoCAD 14 Course publications set, and introduces the basics of the software. The two books have the same structure, that is, the commands are grouped in classes referring to a certain subject; after each command, a list of related commands is presented, so that the reader can cross-reference information. There are also guided and proposed exercises, so that the concepts presented can be fixed. The following subjects are covered in this volume: integration between Windows applications; creation and editing of entities; coordinate systems; precision tools; visualization; design organization; texts and quotas; symbol blocks and libraries; and print the design.



AutoCAD 14 Course - Advanced & 3D

Posted in: Makron books

Type of work : Book

Year: 1998 - 309 pages

ISBN: 85-346-0941-1

Author(s): SAAD, Ana Lucia; NOLLA, Iêda Maria


About the book:  This book is the second volume in the AutoCAD 14 Course publication set, and introduces advanced software and 3D modeling. The two books have the same structure, that is, the commands are grouped in classes referring to a certain subject; after each command, a list of related commands is presented, so that the reader can cross-reference information. There are also guided and proposed exercises, so that the concepts presented can be fixed. The following subjects are covered in this volume: integration between Windows applications; digitization; external references and attributes; design and creation of three-dimensional models (wireframes, surfaces, solid modeling, coordinate systems, visualization in space, lighting and materials, rendering and images).


AutoCAD 13 Courses: A Guide for Windows and DOS

Published in:  Makron books

Job Type:  Book

Year: 1995 - 555 pages

ISBN: 85-346-0536-X

Author(s): SAAD, Ana Lucia; NOLLA, Iêda Maria

About the book:  This book is a result of the previous one, AutoCAD release 12: Basic and practical course, specific for DOS, due to the demand of several students for books aimed at the Windows platform. The same line as the previous book is adopted, which aims to reach users who are not used to dealing with microcomputers in their daily lives, but who, due to the automation of the offices in which they work, or simply out of curiosity, are forced to to learn this new graphic feature. The structure adopted to study AutoCAD 13 for WINDOWS is the following: the commands are grouped in classes referring to a certain subject; after each command, a list of related commands is presented, so that the reader can cross-reference information. There are also guided and proposed exercises, so that the concepts presented can be fixed. The following subjects are covered: integration between Windows applications; creation and editing of entities; coordinate systems; precision tools; visualization; design organization; texts and quotas; symbol blocks and libraries; and print the design.

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AutoCAD release 12: Basic and hands-on course

Published in:  Makron books

Job Type:  Book

Year: 1993 - 608 pages

ISBN: 85-346-0118-6

Author(s): SAAD, Ana Lucia; NOLLA, Iêda Maria

About the book:  This book was created with the aim of reaching users who are not used to dealing with microcomputers in their daily lives, but who, due to the automation of the offices where they work, or simply out of curiosity, are forced to learn this new feature. graphic. The book was developed from experience acquired in courses given, when it was possible to observe the difficulty of each student, as well as the profile of the groups that seek these training courses. The structure adopted to study AutoCAD Release 12 for DOS is the following: the commands are grouped in classes referring to a certain subject; after each command, a list of related commands is presented, so that the reader can cross-reference information. There are also guided and proposed exercises, so that the concepts presented can be fixed. The following subjects are covered: integration between Windows applications; creation and editing of entities; coordinate systems; precision tools; visualization; design organization; texts and quotas; symbol blocks and libraries; and print the design.

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